Half Moon Investigations Wiki
Fletcher Moon
Fletcher Moon
Age 12 years old
First seen Red Moon Rising
Last seen School Dance
Portrayer Rory Elrick


Fletcher Moon, known as Half Moon to his friends, is a fully qualified private investigator from the Bernstein online Detective Academy.He is not the tallest 12-year-old in the playground but he sees things that his school friends don't. He is quite different than his fellow classmates as he's more mature and serious in his job. Even though he gets annoyed by Reds actions, he still approves of him as a partner.

Since graduating he has solved all sorts of minor mysteries at school and at home. Now, if a crime has been committed he wants to know about it, and hepie will stop at nothing in his unrelenting quest for justice. There is no mystery occurring that Moon doesn't sniff.

By passing the course, Half Moon earned his badge and in his mind, the right to be taken seriously as an investigator. Moon is a smart kid and a reliable one too. He was born on July 21 1992 making him a year younger than Red.

After the series, Rory took up saving puppies from burning buildings.
